Above & Beyond
Improving the image of Santa Claus across the globe.
In the early 20th Century, an experienced Santa Claus named Charles W. Howard observed that many department store Santas looked and acted differently from one another though they all were supposed to be representing the same mythical figure. This was the main reason he began mentoring and training other Santas. Not only did he help by way of tips on appearance and performing, he also designed and produced a Santa suit that was uniquely his own. His efforts assisted in creating a more uniform idea of Santa Claus which impacted performers across the U.S.A.
Now, with more and more Santas emerging with all sorts of backgrounds, there has never before been a more diverse crowd that makes up the Christmas performer community. As such, attitudes, quality of beards, wardrobe pieces, and other stylistic choices differ from portrayal to portrayal. This provides authenticity on many levels, but has also been used as an excuse by many to dismiss, alter, or altogether ignore the fundamentals of who Santa Claus is and what he stands for.
The Santa Claus Initiative (S.C.I.) is tailored specifically to those who desire to go above and beyond, or “go the extra mile” as it were. Those who are a part of this new and rigorous program will have demonstrated their earnest desire to improve in all areas of representing Santa Claus.
Though their suits and beards may be different from each other, these individuals have stretched themselves to meet the fundamental checklist of what a professional Santa Claus should look like. They assist other representatives on their own journeys to become more well rounded and professional.
Members of the S.C.I. look, act, and dress the part accordingly which makes them indistinguishable from THE Santa Claus when they put on the red coat.
The goals of the S.C.I. are to:
Learn and Love
Encourage and Inspire
Improve and Thrive
Those who complete the Santa Claus Initiative and contribute to improving the image of Santa Claus across the globe will receive a downloadable PDF Certificate of Achievement and have the option of displaying the S.C.I. badge on their personal website as proof of their contributions to this endeavor.
Enrollment in this course is included in the Santa Ambassador level membership and by itself. See details here.

Course Testimonials
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